Call for abstracts
The Ever Elusive Search for Sustainability
Email submissions to to submit your abstract/poster under the following topics:
- Implementation
- Measurement
- Acheivement of goald
Important Information:
- Abstracts longer that 350 words will not be accepted.
- Multiple abstracts submissions are permitted, however, each submission required its own submission.
- Only e-mail submissions will be accepted.
- Abstracts will undergo peer review by LaRSSA Council.
- All accepted presentations will be published electronically, on thye LaRSSA library, after the conference.
- Presenters must register for the conference by no later that 12 August 2022. Failure to do so will have you removed from the programme.
- It is obligatory to submit a headshot, short bio and CV for purpose of obtaining CPD accreditation for the conference and to compile the proceedings book.
Important Dates:
- 14 July 2022 - Deadline for submission of abstracts
- 25 July 2022 - Feedback to presenters
- 29 July 2022 - Presenters to submit revised abstracts (If applicable)
- 12 August 2022 - Final date for presenters to register for conference (conference registration and accommodation for your own cost)
- 12 August 2022 - Presenters to submit presentations